An in-built energy bonus plus a zero-carbon foot-print.

What 50 years ago might have seemed wishful thinking is today an undeniable scientific fact – we can drink the sea, we can secure heat and energy from the sea. With the necessity for science and sustainability to work in harmony, Ocean Thermal Energy is a vital science coming at just the right time. 

The institutional world has largely ignored the seas as an energy source but after 10 years of devoted science by the OTE Corporation, modern seawater interpretations have undergone a revolution in understanding. Its technology is sophisticated and ground-breaking, doing the job of all good science, in a sustainable way.

The gem our technology lies in our planned, global network of Eco- resorts and communities.

It’s a well defined solution for the future needs of access to drinking water and heating. There are virtuous circles looping throughout the plan. Each sale of our luxury OTEC Ecovillage residences will support the development of new, environmentally responsible communities in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Powered by 100% fossil fuel free OTEC electricity which also provides simultaneous water for drinking. It’s a total solution. Built into the Ecovillages are cooling systems using energy-efficient and chemical- free Seawater Air Conditioning (SWAC).

Low-cost construction technology will combine fitfully with clean OTEC power and fresh water production, solving key challenges that embody affordable housing in developing countries: the lack of reliable power, adequate fresh water and plentiful food. True sustainability embodies a commitment to work in harmony with nature and with each other. Construction work related to this development, will provide us with latent abilities to build more affordable communities in all the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. It’s a heady thought.

Using indigenous materials, we will also develop affordable housing structures that are resilient to the calamitous, weather-related events of each region.


In this way, we are targeting developments in the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa.
Developments are located in a secluded valleys, overlooking their oceans. We plan a variety of services including the atypical:

EcoHotel and Spa
Locally-Owned Restaurants
Business Center
Resort-Style Pool
Fitness Center
Organic Farmers Market
Health Care Center
Locally-Owned Specialty Shops

Information Technology

Each Ecovillage combines the latest information technology with state- of-the-art management services.
Commercial, home office, and studio facilities will be available with broad bandwidth or satellite communication links.

Design and Development

The principle of sustainability implies commitment of community members to each other and to the needs of future generations. This commitment evolves naturally whenever residents begin participating at the door-step of the development project.

Our OTEC Ecovillage and Affordable Communities employ innovative planning, design, and building methods that enable homebuyers to participate in the design and construction of their own homes. Natural materials and rough sawn timbers will be used.

In addition to conventional housing, self-contained single- family studios and one-bedroom condominiums will be clustered around common activity points: retail sites, health care centers, workshops, and recreation areas. Private yards, patios, and gardens will surround the housing.

Diverse Landscapes

EcoVillage communities can be ranged across diverse settings including coastal, agricultural, recreational, and urban environments. Hiking and bicycle paths will eliminate unnecessary vehicle traffic through them. These settings will boast outstanding views as well as providing recreational and health benefits.

Life Without Fossil Fuels

Of course, our Ecovillages will benefit from the technologies which conceived them. Each Ecovillage or Affordable Community will produce its own renewable energy, chemical- free cooling, fresh water, and food supply.

Note, because our projects emit less carbon into the atmosphere they also drive down the cost of living, creating a 'win-win' situation for the environment and the economy.

Our experience enables us to design and build sustainable communities that are efficient, cost-effective, and supportive of the social, cultural, ecological, and economic dimensions of human existence. OTEC technology has been embraced and approved by the US Virgin Islands. These locations are under consideration as possible Ecovillage and Affordable Community sites.

Reduced Carbon Emissions

  • OTEC saves 7,000 tons of CO2 per year/MW
  • OTEC saves 15,000 bbls of oil per year/ MW
  • SWAC reduces carbon emissions by 80-90%
  • Skylights, wall mirrors, fresh air ventilation, and low energy-use appliances reduce energy requirements
  • Locally sourced food and water mean less shipping and reduces CO2 emissions

Local Agriculture

Each Ecovillage and Affordable Community will boast cluster housing as well as local, organic food production. Channeling rainfall runoff into irrigation and aquaculture ponds will support both traditional agriculture and fish farming. Private gardens are available for inhabitants while community farming will be managed by developer-appointed farmers and gardeners. Each harvest will be available in the Ecovillage store and farmers market.


Sustainable Aquaculture

Over-fishing and pollution have drastically reduced and threatened the wild fish and marine life population.

Our objective is to imitate a natural ocean environment for sustainable fish farming.

The combination of OTEC and SWAC also produce ideal conditions for aquaculture, and these technologies provide clean energy and recyclable water to power the operation. Just one fish farm produces about 100 tons of live seafood per year.

Water & Waste

Fresh water will be produced onsite using desalination technology powered by OTEC. Low-flush toilets, special shower heads, gray water use, and rain collecting systems all contribute to low-water consumption.

Advanced waste management systems properly eliminate waste, and include recycling, purification, composting, and recirculation of water.